
January 17, 2013

Water Inside My House

This is my first experience to get my house covered with water, I mean flooded. Well it doesn't cover all of the floor but it do come into to my house from the front door.

The most hectic area in my house at that time were bathroom hahaha.. It was flooded, water goes in from the bathroom pipeline because the ditch outside my house were already overflow and flooded X(.

At that time the water has not entered my house, my dad n my brother were scooping the water into the closet (lavatory). I was watching the front door. Then finally the water came in and I told them. Dad then took a dried sack and put it on the middle way to the guest and family room. It did hold the water flows but not for long, the water comes in from the sidelines of the sack into my parents bedroom and mine (just a little in my room). My brother were tired of scooping the water so I replaced him. I was doing it till the rain stopped and the water in bathroom subside down, well my hands were kinda hurt X( I think I'll have to do some intensive treatment for my hand hahhhaa.

To be honest, I was so afraid that the rain won't stop and my house will get flooded all over. So I tried so hard to get the water in the bathroom subside. I pray as I do that work.. Well it's really a test of faith. I got something from that experience, we have to work hard to get something good in the end, but we also have to pray and put our hope in Him so He will bless our work and let the good things happen in our life, He can even give us something that we never think or mention about it..

And I'm so grateful that what I have experience today were not really severe like the others had. My friends got her house all covered with water, the river was overflowed then the water came into her house, she always meet this situation every year when the rainy season came. I hope she will be all right, she has another house and now she is staying at there.

I hope tomorrow will be better, because I want to go out with my friends, we want to go to a bookstore and I hope the flood victims that has been being evacuated were fine and get enough food and shelter so they can sleep tonight. I pray for their safety.

This was the worst flooding in Jakarta, traffic were paralyze and water every where on the road.. even the President's Palace (Istana Negara) got covered with water too.
I hope this is an enough lesson for Jakarta's residents to maintain Jakarta's sanitation by put the trash on the right place not throw then into the river.

This is the center of Jakarta, Bunderan Hotel Indonesia (Bunderan HI) I took this picture from

Bundaran HI, via
If you want to read the news this is the Link but it is on Bahasa X(

Jakarta Flood

And this was my university situation at morning (Atma Jaya Catholic University)

Atma Jaya's Parking Lot, via
The lecturer were all canceled during the mass flood.. and my best friends were at the univ but they arrived at home safely.

That's all XD

Last but not the last,
I know God will always protect us..
This is my experience and I'm happy to share this to all of you :)
Have a great day, stay blessed XD

God bless all of you :)

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