
January 16, 2013

A Lot of Money

I spent a lot of money this January, really it was kinda frustrating and it was fun too XD.
I bought a lot of item, many of them were cosmetic and skin care product, some of it were cute things such as cute file's map, stickers (I had already post it on my early post Christmas Gift) and the others were clothes, pants, and flat shoes (I bought the discounted one haha XD). Well I need a new clothes to celebrate Chinese New Year.
That's why I spent a lot of money to buy all this things. I need to restock all of my run out skin care product.

Well my father told me to buy a new clothes and pants because I don't have many clothes and some of them were worn out already :(. So he gave me some money and told me to buy some clothes *yay*. I ended up buying clothes and those things :P.

Last Sunday (Jan 13, 2013) I went to Grand Indonesia Shopping Town with my mother and my aunt's family, too bad their elder son were not going :(. First we visited Mothercare store (it sell baby and kids product like clothes, stroller, etc). My mother bought some kids clothes for my niece (she is 3 years old now).

Then we went to Seibu Department Store then my mother bought baby clothes for my second niece (my sister's daughter). After that we went to Marks and Spencer booth on Seibu, my mother bought some blouse and I got 2 cotton outer, one in soft blue and one in salem color. So happy to get that outer, I bought it only for IDR 129.000 each, it was a discounted item (almost 50%), well I love discounted item so I can save the money to buy another things later.

I forgot to mention :p, before we went to Mothercare, we went to Muji first, it sells many things from stationery, cooking ware (only some), house hold things, empty cosmetic bottle, clothes, bags, shoes, pants and many more. They were made in Japan, well when I take a look on stationery booth some of their highlighter were made in Indonesia :p. I thought many japanesse people visit Muji to buy their needs.

Well we spent a lot of money too since my mom were buying clothes in Marks and Spencer hahaahha.. it's kinda pricy here in Indonesia but it has a good fabric and endurance so I can say it's worth it.

I wanna visit The Trick Art Exhibit. It's an Art Exhibition in 3D awwww it looks real since it's in 3D, I have seen my friends photos. It makes me want to visit it more and more, I hope I'll get the chance to visit it with my lovely friends :D

I'm gonna post my hauls later :D
I went into many hauls this January hahhaha..
LIke I said before, I bought many things this month and spent a lot of money on it XD.

Thank you for reading :)
Sorry for my bad writing skills >.<
I hope you'll enjoy it
God bless you :D
Have a blessed day :)

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