
April 12, 2016

A Review : Viva Lip and Eye Make -Up Remover

Hi everyone, it's been a long time again lol, so for this post I decided to post a quick review of a beauty product and I'll use Bahasa Indonesia in this post because I'm not confident enough to write a beauty product review in English hahaha.

Seperti yang udah aku tulis dijudul post hari ini, pasti kalian udah tau produk apa yang mau direview sama aku. Yap produknya adalah Viva Lip and Eye Make-Up Remover. Sebelum aku beli produk ini aku pun juga cari-cari review dari beauty blogger lainnya yang udah pernah ngereview produk ini. Sebelum aku mulai reviewnya aku mau kasih tau kepada para pembaca kalau aku bukan seorang beauty blogger atau beauty enthusiast, aku menulis review ini sekedar untuk berbagi cerita saja dan pengalaman aku ketika pertama kali mencoba produk ini. Produk ini juga aku beli dengan uang aku sendiri so semoga review ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian.

Viva Eye and Lip Make-up Remover ini aku beli secara online dari seller yang menjual kosmetik dan peralatan salon di Tokopedia. Jika kalian tertarik untuk membeli aku akan taruh link tokonya diakhir post ini, so stay tune sampai review ini selesai aku tulis hehehe :)

Kemasan dari Viva Eye and Lip Make-up Remover ini adalah 30ml, mungil, simple dan slim banget, cocok untuk dibawa keluar saat kita mau travelling. Botolnya transparan dan dilapisi dengan plastik. Plastik tersebut juga berperan sebagai segel produk so hati-hati kalau mau buka segelnya, kalau semua plastiknya disobek nanti deskripsi beserta dengan komposisinya juga ikut tersobek karena kedua penjelasan tersebut diprint diplastik Aku suka packagingnya apalagi ada sentuhan wana pinknya yang diprint diplastiknya hihihi.

Tutup botol dari make-up remover ini adalah tutup ulir yang menurut aku cukup aman juga untuk mencegah kebocoran produk, namun sayangnya mulut botol untuk mengeluarkan produk juga sebesar tutup ulirnya so kita perlu hati-hati pas menuangkan produknya ke kapas kalau kebanyakan kan jadi mubazir walaupun harga produknya ga mahal, kita juga ga boleh menyia-nyiakan barang ya ladies :)

Berikut adalah deskripsi produk yang diberikan oleh Viva

 "Eye and Lip Make-Up Remover
 Pembersih make up untuk daerah sekitar mata dan bibir dengan formula yang lembut    dan pH netral, Bebas alkohol, pewarna, dan parfum, Diperkaya dengan D-pathenol sebagai moisturizer untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit di sekitar mata dan bibir, serta Ektrak Chamomile yang menyejukan daerah sekitar mata sekaligus menjaga kelembaban kelopak mata dan bibir."

Cara Pemakaian
"Oleskan sebagai tahap awal dalam membersihkan wajah. Basahi kapas secukupnya dan usapkan pada daerah mata dan bibir hingga bersih."

Komposisi produk
"Aqua, propylene glycol, PEG-40 glyceryl cocoate, sodium coceth sulfate, pathenol, chamomilla recutita flower water, polysorbate 80, lactic acid, bisabolol, sodium benzoate, poyassium sorbate, methylparaben."

Dari segi tekstur, make up remover ini cari seperti air, ga perlu dikocok seperti kalau pakai eye and lip make-up removernya maybelline, wardah atau loreal (aku udah pernah pakai semuanya). Eye and Lip Make-up Remover ini punya wangi yang sangat mild bahkan sampai ga tercium wanginya. Viva mengklaim kalau make-up remover ini bebas dari alkohol, parfum dan pewarna, tapi kalau lihat komposisinya dia menggunakan air dari bunga chamomile jadi dapat disimpulkan wanginya dari air bunga ini kali ya. Wanginya buat aku sama sekali nggak mengganggu untuk hidung aku yang super sensi sama wangi-wangian ini (sekedar info, aku paling ga tahan sama wangi-wangian yang terlalu kuat terlebih yang wanginya manis-manis gitu, bisa langsung pusing).

Aku baru menggunakan remover ini satu kali, kesan pertama aku mengenai produk ini wow! menurut aku produk ini bagus terlebih dengan harganya yang cukup murah untuk make-up remover. Dia bisa bersihin eyeshadow, eyeliner, serta eyebrow aku dengan baik. Eyeshadow yang aku pakai waktu itu adalah eyeshadow dari Emina, memang sih mungkin tinggal sedikit juga si eyeshadownya (aku keluar rumah seharian, pakai eyeshadownya juga yang natural 2 warna saja) jadi mudah banget dihapus sama make-up remover ini,  tapi untuk eyeliner dan alis aku masih nangkring dengan cantik ditempatnya dapat dengan mudah terhapus sama make-up remover ini. Seingat aku, aku cuma perlu mengusap dua kali udah bersih, kecuali eyeliner sih tapi itupun karena dia ada disela-sela bulu mata yang ada di upperlid terhapus dengan baik. Make-up remover ini nggak buat mata aku perih, dan pas terjilat oleh bibir rasanya nggak pahit.

Kesimpulannya make up remover ini cukup bagus performanya untuk menghapus riasan mata sehari-hari, namun sepertinya makeup remover ini tidak cukup kuat untuk mengangkat riasan mata yang super waterproof karena bukan oil-based make-up remover, namun aku belum coba karena aku nggak punya maskara (biasanya paling susah itu bersihin maskara kan ya)

Yang aku suka dari produk ini adalah

  • Kemasannya sederhana, mungil, dan warna pink hihi.
  • Performanya cukup bagus.
  • Tidak terasa perih dimata.
  • Tidak pahit
  • Harganya murah 
  • Alkohol free, fragrance free, dan colorant free.

Kekurangan dari produk ini adalah
  • Mulut untuk mengeluarkan produk terlalu besar jadi boros pemakaiannya
  • Perlu cari ke counternya (selama ini aku jarang banget liat counter viva di supermarket)

Aku beli produk ini di tokopedia dengan harga Rp 4990,- kalau nggak salah (pengiriman dari Bandung) atau kalian bisa kunjungi websitenya viva di harganya diwebsite Viva Rp 6800,-

Produk yang aku pakai saat aku mengetest makeup remover ini adalah
  • Eyeshadow Emina pop rouge yang nude
  • Etude House Drawing Show Brush Liner in Brown untuk eyeliner
  • Etude House Drawing Eye Brow in Brown di mix dengan The Face Shop Desingning Eye Brow in Light Brown
Sekian review dari aku, semoga review ini dapat bermanfaat dan berguna bagi kalian semua, aku mohon maaf kalau ada salah kata. Selamat malam dan selamat beristirahat :)

October 22, 2015

After A Long Time

Well, it's been a long time since the last post, actually I dunno what I should have write hahaha
I think I just wanna share some thought mostly about life, well I have once design this blog for some life event and some beauty thingy. I tried to find another hobby beside crocheting and I found needle felting and cross stitching are very fun!! As usual, I mainly give my handicraft for someone else first then after that I made one for myself. To be honest I get bored easily with something, sometime I feel that those thing cannot satisfy me and I keep looking for something else to do until finally I decide to continue those two things (cross stitching and needle felting as my current hobby). I don't really leave the crochet behind if I do how am I gonna used all of my cotton yarn that I bought, I have so many of  it (kinda).

Now I don't think I'm gonna do those hobbies in a while because I'm gonna focusing myself in my undergraduate thesis, this undone thesis kinda frustrate me but it's my own fault too because I'm kinda lazy at the start and now it's my responsibility to finish it in 2 or maybe 3 months max.
Thanked God I don't have to search for another company (this thing really makes me crazy, searching for a company as a research object and get rejected by them because they don't want to expose their data) I finally found one and I hope everything will be alright.

I'm gonna blog more often (hopefully), maybe next time I'm gonna review some beauty product that I'm currently using, still thinking gonna write in english or bahasa maybe both or maybe (hopefully) in english, well I'm doing it for training too
I'm not pretty good at english (you can tell from my writing though) but at least I'm trying to exercise it. Since I like to search for a literates too (mostly skincare literates or review and sometimes about health or other things)
I think it's enough for today, well thank you for anyone who visit my blog by any chance, hope it will be operating soon *wink

December 12, 2013

FInally A Post!!

Well it's been a long time since my last post..
Being to busy and yeah.... Kinda lazy to write a post.. T^T

Well many moments happened back then.. both sad and happy memories..
I just past my birthday on 9th, Dec lol, now I'm officially 21 well.. old enough, am I? hahaha.

Now I have a new hobby XD
Well it's kinda late.. I'm now learning how to crochet :D (it's different from knitting, but soon I'll learn how to knit)
It's a fun hobby.. actually I'm focusing myself on crocheting a doll in Japanese it called Amigurumi.
Their cuteness are something that I can't resist!!!
They are all soooooo cute.. I've been searching for it's pattern all over the net, printed it, and learned it all the way..

I practiced it first, but bcos I'm still on my final term on College, I have to study first instead of crocheting.
(hahah i use my free time to write a new post)

Soo excited, I hope in one day I can make my own pattern and share it to all of you :)
Well this might be the end of this post
Thank you for your visit and ur time for reading this post..

Stay healty, stay young, stay blessed :D
God bless u all <3

*PS : I'm gonna make a post in bahasa b'cos I'm gonna sell my second stuff it's aluminium crochet hooks, I hope there is someone who interested to buy it*

January 26, 2013

Recent Haul Part I

Finally I have chance to write about my recent haul (>,<)
Lately I've been shopping a lot with my best friends, Vanessa, she's my partner in crime hahaha. We spent a lot of money in one day *sigh* but it was fun XD.

Lately I have visited Kota Kasablanka Mall, it located at Jl. Casablanca Raya Kav 88, Jakarta, Indonesia. That's all where the haul begun.

I got 3 round of shopping in total *sigh* don't ask me how much money I have spent in a week because when I calculated all of it, It shocked me (o.o). I went shopping with her in the 2nd round. I was with my friends Pamela on the 1st round and with Yani on the 3rd round hahaha.. Different person for each round :P.

This are the 1st round items

1st Round
From left to right :
  1. Vivelle Hello Kitty Hand Sanitizer in Michie
  2. Lactacyd Feminine Hygiene
  3. TheFaceShop Lovely Me Ex Nail Base Coat
  4. 8 Greeting Cards from Cindy Gift Store
  5. Purederm Collagen Eye Zone Mask
  6. Hygienex (Disposable Paper Toilet Seat Cover)
  7. Cute Stickers bought at Scoop

The 2nd Round items

2nd Round
From left to right :
  1. Revlon nail enamel remover
  2. Beauty Mask - Pore Tightening by Rohto (the green one)
  3. Beauty Mask - Collagen Firming by Rohto
  4. Pura Girl Cash Book bought at Scoop
  5. TheFaceShop Nail Emery Board
  6. Revlon Touch&Glow Face Powder in Cream Beige
  7. Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter in Cotton Candy
  8. TheFaceShop Lovely Me Ex Nail Vitamin
  9. Short Pants in Black from Cache Cache
  10. Seal doll from my friends (he got it from 'catch the dolls' machine in a game center named Amazing City at Kota Kasablanka, it's cute, isn't it? (>,<))

The 3rd round items

3rd Round
From left to right :
  1. 7Eleven Hot Chocolate in medium
  2. Beauty Mask - Double Whitening by Rohto
  3. Beauty Mask - Collagen Firming
  4. Nexcare Acne Cover
  5. Leivy Nourishing Shower Cream
This were my haul part 1, as you can see I bought many things in this month, there will be haul part 2 *sigh* I spent a lot of money this month. Well I prefer buying some cute things rather than make up things hahaha... but I like them both. 

I'm now focusing my skin care treatment... I have some skin's problem X(, pimples and acne's scar are really something :'(. I have to do some extra treatment to treat this pimples, by performing a healthy life such as drink enough water, rest well, eat veggie, do some workout (sport) and many thing. of course I have to reduce my 'late sleeping' habit. I'm on holiday now even I have taken a short term semester program. That's makes mo so lazy to do anything hahahaha... but still I have to study so I can get a good grade on this short term semester (9^.^)9.

I'm gonna post my January Recent Haul Part 2 soon.. I hope I can finish it in no time (>,<) sometimes I lost my focus while writing the post because I was seeing another person's blog hahaha..

Sorry for my bad writing skills X(
I'm in training too X(
I pray that you all have a blessed day :)
Thank you for reading this post :) I hope you don't get bored with my blog and my blog post :P

God bless you all :*